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This page lists the EVAg products having been related to the "Rabies virus CVS-11" virus name. The additional filters enable you with creating a sub-selection of items of this list. The search engine above will seek products into the complete catalogue.

2 products displayed

Rabies Virus CVS-11


Produced by:
Shipping From:
Onderstepoort - ZA
Rabies virus Challenge Virus Standard (CVS)-11. This Rabies virus [CVS 11] is lyophilized and stored at -20 C. This product has been tested and is negative for the presence of mycoplasma. CVS has been fully sequenced.
Unit: 1.0ml
Virus name: 

2 000,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Addlestone - GB
20% brain tissue homogenate from CVS-11 (RABV) infected mouse. Tissue homogenised in sterile water containing streptomycin and penicillin and 2% v/v horse serum, pH7.6. The homogenate has been stored at -80oC.
Unit: 500ul
Virus name: 

2 000,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)