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This page lists the EVAg products having been categorized as "Molecular detection kit". The additional filters enable you with creating a sub-selection of items of this list. The search engine above will seek products into the complete catalogue.

14 products displayed

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for MERS CoV targeting the envelope gene (upE) that contains positive control, primers and probe.
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

750,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for MERS CoV targeting the "ORF 1a" containing positive control, primers and probe.
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

750,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Set of primers and probes to detect viral RNA of Dengue virus on diagnostic level. Suitable with the EVD-labnet / EVAg EQA of molecular diagnostics on Chikungunya, Dengue, West Nile, Yellow fever and Zika virus 2019.
Unit: 1 x 100 reactions
Virus name: 

872,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Set of primers and probes to detect viral RNA of Chikungunya on diagnostic level. Suitable with the EVD-labnet / EVAg EQA of molecular diagnostics on Chikungunya, Dengue, West Nile, Yellow fever and Zika virus 2019.
Unit: 1 x 100 reactions
Virus name: 

872,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Set of primers and probes to detect viral RNA of Zika virus on diagnostic level. Suitable with the EVD-labnet / EVAg EQA of molecular diagnostics on Chikungunya, Dengue, West Nile, Yellow fever and Zika virus 2019.
Unit: 1 x 100 reactions
Virus name: 

872,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Set of primers and probes to detect viral RNA of Yellow fever virus on diagnostic level. Suitable with the EVD-labnet / EVAg EQA of molecular diagnostics on Chikungunya, Dengue, West Nile, Yellow fever and Zika virus 2019.
Unit: 1 x 100 reactions
Virus name: 

872,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Set of primers and probes to detect viral RNA of West Nile virus on diagnostic level. Suitable with the EVD-labnet / EVAg EQA of molecular diagnostics on Chikungunya, Dengue, West Nile, Yellow fever and Zika virus 2019.
Unit: 1 x 100 reactions
Virus name: 

872,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for Zika virus targeting the envelope gene. The kit contains positive control, primers and probe for 50 reactions. Real time primers and probe were published by “Lanciotti RS, Kosoy OL, Laven JJ, Velez JO, Lambert AJ, Johnson AJ, et al. Genetic and serologic properties of Zika virus associated with an epidemic, Yap State, Micronesia, 2007. Emerg Infect Dis. 2008 Aug;14(8):1232-9.”
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

436,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for Zika virus targeting the NS1 gene. The kit contains positive control, primers and probe for 50 reactions. Real time primers and probe were published by “Corman VM, Rasche A, et al. Clinical comparison, standardization and optimization of Zika virus molecular detection Submitted]. Bull World Health Organ E-pub: 19 Apr 2016.”
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

436,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for Zika virus targeting the NS2b gene. The kit contains positive control, primers and probe for 50 reactions. Real time primers and probe were published by “Waggoner JJ, Pinsky BA. Zika Virus: Diagnostics for an Emerging Pandemic Threat. J Clin Microbiol. 2016 Feb 17.“
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

436,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for Zika virus targeting the envelope gene. The kit contains positive control, primers and probe for 50 reactions. Real time primers and probe were published by “Pyke AT, Daly MT, Cameron JN, Moore PR, Taylor CT, Hewitson GR, et al. Imported zika virus infection from the cook islands into australia, 2014. PLoS Curr. 2014;6.”
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

436,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for Zika virus targeting the matrix gene. The kit contains positive control, primers and probe for 50 reactions. Real time primers and probe were published by Lanciotti RS, Kosoy OL, Laven JJ, Velez JO, Lambert AJ, Johnson AJ, et al. Genetic and serologic properties of Zika virus associated with an epidemic, Yap State, Micronesia, 2007. Emerg Infect Dis. 2008 Aug;14(8):1232-9.”
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

436,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for Zika virus targeting the envelope gene. The kit contains positive control, primers and probe for 50 reactions. Real time primers and probe were published by “Corman VM, Rasche A, et al. Clinical comparison, standardization and optimization of Zika virus molecular detection Submitted]. Bull World Health Organ E-pub: 19 Apr 2016.”
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

436,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Real time detection kit for Zika virus targeting the NS1 gene. The kit contains positive control, primers and probe for 50 reactions. Real time primers and probe were published by “Pyke AT, Daly MT, Cameron JN, Moore PR, Taylor CT, Hewitson GR, et al. Imported zika virus infection from the cook islands into australia, 2014. PLoS Curr. 2014;6.”
Unit: 50 reactions
Virus name: 

436,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)